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nestioo 5d lab 1

Anchor Into 5D Frequency (Online Video Course)

Level up your vibration with 5D energy, strengthen trust in your Inner Guidance, and activate the 5D frequency of love/peace/freedom in your energy field.

Welcome to the Nestioo 5D Lab #1 🌟

In this Lab, we dive into the basics of manifesting with 5D energy, decode the magic of the Nestioo symbol, and explore the core processes that make up this unique method.


 PART ONE: Exploring the 5D Energy

  • The Nestioo Method: In-depth understanding of its core elements, how it works, and how it can help you bring about the changes you want with the power of 5D energy.
  • 5D (fifth-dimensional) Consciousness: Understanding the fundamentals of 5D consciousness and differentiating 3D, 4D, and 5D perceptions.
  • 5D Energy: Understanding the role of the 5D energy and your Light Body in integrating higher dimensional consciousness into your daily life.
  • Light Body: What is it, how is it related to you, what can it do for you, and how does the Nestioo symbol help you to connect with it.
  • Patterns in the Energy Field: What are they, and how do they emerge? How do they influence your thoughts, visions, and perception of life in general.
  • Nestioo Fundamental Principles: Exploring the basic principles of creating with 5D energy.

PART TWO: Practical Nestioo-Based Techniques for Harnessing 5D Energy in Daily Life


  • Process: Nestioo Vibe Booster: Elevate your vibration using the potent force of 5D energy. This process is your ticket to empowerment and inspiration, paving the way for positive transformations on your journey.
  • Process: Nestioo Trust Alchemy: Strengthen trust in your Inner Guidance and rely on its power, wisdom, and guidance. Free yourself from doubts and fears and become your own authority.
  • Process: Nestioo Love/Peace/Freedom Frequency Activation: – Activate the 5D frequency of love/peace/freedom in your energy field and explore yourself and the world around you from this new perspective. It’s time for a transformative shift!

PART THREE: Crafting a Personal Transformation Plan

When you embark on your journey with the Nestioo method, there are several things you need to consider to achieve optimal results:

  • Anticipating Outcomes: Gain insight into the expected changes and transformations that typically follow the implementation of the Nestioo Method.
  • Set yourself up for success: Develop strategies and prepare yourself to maximize the effectiveness of the Nestioo Method and achieve the best possible results.
  • Nutritional guidelines: Learn what food to avoid for the first 2-3 weeks with Nestioo to optimize your transformation process.
  • Overcoming challenges: Learn what challenges practitioners often encounter and learn effective strategies to overcome them to make your journey smoother.
  • Tailoring your plan: Customize your transformation plan by considering your unique circumstances and creating a plan tailored to your current situation and goals.



Pricing & Delivery

Price: 90 € (Euro)

Format: Online Video Course

Payment plan available (two monthly instalments).

To purchase a program, please fill out the form below. Let us know if you would like to use the payment plan. Payment will be made via Paypal.

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