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the nestioo method

Harness The Power of 5D Energy 

Level up your vibration, manifest desired changes and release blocked and outdated energy from your energy field using high-vibrational 5D energy.

Welcome to the Magical World of the Nestioo Method! 🌟

If you would like to consciously use high-vibrational 5D energy to level up your vibration, manifest desired changes, repattern your energy field, and release blocked and outdated energy from it, you’ve come to the right place!

The Nestioo Method is a holistic system developed for the conscious use of high-vibrational 5D energy (including your Light body). It enables you to harness its power and intelligence to bring about the desired changes.

🌟 How does it work?

The Three Pillars of Nestioo Method 🌟

The essence of the method technically consists of three key elements – the Nestioo symbol, specific intentions, and the Nestioo “forms.”

  • Nestioo Symbol Activation: The Nestioo symbol serves as a “bridge” that connects you directly to certain aspects of 5D energy (including your Light body). There are different ways to activate the Nestioo symbol, depending on which “form” you use.

  • Specific Intentions: Set your intentions in a specific way to direct the 5D energy to specific aspects of your life.

  • Nestioo “Forms” Activation:Nestioo “forms” are designed to establish a specific “space” within your energy field. This space enables interaction with the 5D energy that is linked to your Specific Intention. As a result, 5D energy can directly influence the creation of new patterns in your energy field or the release of existing ones from it. Each Nestioo “form” has its own character and personality and represents a unique way of integrating the 5D energy patterns into your energy field. Essentially, the Nestioo method boils down to working directly with the patterns in your energy field.

Most of the processes are meditative (you practice them mainly while sitting or lying down).

🌟 Who is it for?

Is the Nestioo Method Right for You? 🌟

As practice shows, the Nestioo method is particularly suitable for those who are sensitive enough to feel and experience subtle energies. The core of it all is the conscious interaction with high vibrational 5D energy in a very structured way. A clear structure is achieved with the help of the Nestioo symbol and various so-called “forms” that direct the 5D energy in the desired direction.

The Nestioo method does not use tools such as visualizations or affirmations. It is also not about changing reality by changing your thoughts, nor is it a method in the style of the Law of Attraction and similar approaches.

If you are drawn to methods like Theta Healing, Magnified Healing, Reiki, Reconnection, or Mindfulness, the Nestioo method could be a good fit for you and contribute to your arsenal of personal development tools.

Program Overview

The Nestioo method consists of a series of “5D Lab” workshops, each designed with specific goals. Labs #1 and #2 serve as foundational prerequisites for all other Nestioo 5D Labs. Upon completing Labs #1 and #2, you can participate in the remaining Labs.

The key processes you’ll learn during the program have been created as guided meditations so that you can internalize them more quickly and practice them on your own.

Nestioo 5D Lab #1 🌟

Anchoring into 5D frequency

In this Lab, we dive into the basics of manifesting with 5D energy, decode the magic of the Nestioo symbol, and the core processes that make up this unique method:

  • The Nestioo Method: In-depth understanding of its core elements, how it works, and how it can help you bring about the changes you want with the power of 5D energy.
  • 5D (fifth-dimensional) Consciousness: Understanding the fundamentals of 5D consciousness and differentiating 3D, 4D, and 5D perceptions.
  • 5D Energy: Understanding the role of the 5D energy and your Light Body in integrating higher dimensional consciousness into your daily life.
  • Light Body: What is it, how is it related to you, what can it do for you, and how does the Nestioo symbol help you to connect with it.
  • Patterns in the Energy Field: What are they, and how do they emerge? How do they influence your thoughts, visions, and perception of life in general.
  • Nestioo Fundamental Principles: Exploring the basic principles of creating with 5D energy.

Practical Techniques for Harnessing 5D Energy in Daily Life


  • Process: Nestioo Vibe Booster: Elevate your vibration using the potent force of 5D energy. This process is your ticket to empowerment and inspiration, paving the way for positive transformations on your journey.
  • Process: Nestioo Trust Alchemy: Strengthen trust in your inner guidance and rely on its power, wisdom, and guidance. Free yourself from doubts and fears and become your own authority.
  • Process: Nestioo Love/Peace/Freedom Frequency Activation: – Activate the 5D frequency of love/peace/freedom in your energy field and explore yourself and the world around you from this new perspective. It’s time for a transformative shift!

Crafting a Personal Transformation Plan

When you embark on your journey with the Nestioo method, there are several things you need to consider to achieve optimal results:

  • Anticipating Outcomes: Gain insight into the expected changes and transformations that typically follow the implementation of the Nestioo Method.
  • Set yourself up for success: Develop strategies and prepare yourself to maximize the effectiveness of the Nestioo Method and achieve the best possible results.
  • Nutritional guidelines: Learn what food to avoid for the first 2-3 weeks with Nestioo to optimize your transformation process.
  • Overcoming challenges: Learn what challenges practitioners often encounter and learn effective strategies to overcome them to make your journey smoother.
  • Tailoring your plan: Customize your transformation plan by considering your unique circumstances and creating a plan tailored to your current situation and goals.
🌟 Nestioo 5D Lab #1

In this Lab, we’ll dive into the fundamentals, unraveling the magic of the Nestioo symbol and the core processes that shape this unique method.


  • Patterns in the Energy Field: What what are they and how do they emerge? Understanding a fundamental Nestioo principle: “First a pattern emerges in the field, and then the mind fills it with content” – with practical examples.

  • Process: Nestioo Vibe Booster: Elevate your vibration using the potent force of 5D energy. This process is your ticket to empowerment and inspiration, paving the way for positive transformations on your journey.

  • Process: Nestioo Trust Alchemy: Strengthen trust in your inner guidance and rely on its power, wisdom, and guidance. Free yourself from doubts and fears and become your own authority.

  • Process: Nestioo Love/Peace/Freedom Frequency Activation: – Activate the 5D frequency of love/peace/freedom in your energy field and explore yourself and the world around you from this new perspective. It’s time for a transformative shift!
🌟 Nestioo 5D Lab #2


Get ready to explore the basic principles of processing outdated and blocked energy (patterns) in your energy field by using high vibrational 5D energy and the power of your Light body.


  • 5D Processing: What is it? How does it differ from the traditional “letting go” of energy blockages and similar concepts? Analysis of one of the basic principles of the Nestioo method: “If X were not present in my energy field, it would not be in my perception either.” – with numerous practical examples.

  • Process: Nestioo Hexagram: Learn how to dissolve dense, stagnant, and blocked energy in your energy field by using high vibrational 5D energy.

  • Process: Nestioo Diffuser: Learn how to diffuse dense charge in your body and break it into “smaller parts.”

  • Process: Nestioo Labels: Discover the power of labeling tensions in your body with “Nestioo Labels” and become aware of the patterns hidden in the background. What do these patterns tell you?

  • Process: Nestioo Transmutation: Send into the Light all the energies within you that no longer serve you and hinder you on the path to unfolding your true self.
🌟 Nestioo 5D Lab #3

In this Nestioo Lab, we will explore how to use the 5D energy to achieve certain desired changes (or goals) in specific areas of our lives.


  • Creative Modes: “Contraction Mode” and “Expansion Mode”: Unlock the potential of these core creative modes! Learn how to recognize and harness their power with Nestioo processes tailored for each.


  • Process: Nestioo Goal Energizer: Energize your goals with the incredible force of 5D energy. Discover how to define your goals in the Nestioo process and infuse them with the vibrancy they need.


  • Process: Nestioo Energy Field Optimizer: Optimize your energy field to manifest the desired change or goal – or even something better. Repattern your energy field to allow the essence of what you want to manifest to flow through you.


  • Process: Nestioo Mantra: Discover how to direct 5D energy toward your goals throughout the day. With the Nestioo mantra, you can integrate this transformative energy into your daily activities.

Pricing: Nestioo 5D Lab #1 

Price: 90 € (Euro)

Payment plan available (two monthly instalments).

To purchase a program, please fill out the form below. Let us know if you would like to use the payment plan. Payment will be made via Paypal.

The Nestioo Method – Free Sample


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