Mistake #1: They Overvalue Their Work

At first glance, this might sound strange, but I believe many new coaches and holistic experts overvalue their work. If hard work alone were the key factor in success, then everyone who works hard would be successful. Unfortunately, as you probably already know, that’s not the case. Many people work tirelessly, yet the success they dream of continues to elude them.

Let me explain what I mean…

You’re reading this article because you believe it contains something valuable that can help you develop and improve your business. In other words, you’re investing your time (which you could have used elsewhere) to read this article because it holds VALUE for you. You likely believe it contains information that will show you where you might be going wrong in your holistic business, and how you can correct it.

However, realistically, you don’t care how long it took me to write this, whether I wrote it during the day or night, whether it was hard or easy, or what sacrifices I made to find the time and focus to write it.

What matters to you is the VALUE you receive from the ideas in this article. (VALUE = the benefits or outcomes your clients gain from using your products or services.) As long as you feel it’s providing value, you’ll continue reading. If you find it’s not offering you any value, you’ll simply stop. And that’s all there is to it!

So, don’t fall into the trap of believing you’re more serious, better, or more professional just because you work long hours, give your all, and always go the extra mile. Other than the people who care about you, no one else really notices. The world doesn’t owe you anything just because you work hard.

If you’re in private business or about to enter it, you no longer have a boss or director to impress or prove how much you care about your work. You don’t need to act like you’re working hard just so your superior doesn’t give you more tasks. Your “boss” is now your CLIENT.

However, your clients care about something entirely different. They care about the VALUE you provide. Based on that VALUE, they’ll decide whether to buy from you or continue doing business with you.

If they feel they’re getting good VALUE from you, they’ll likely want to keep doing business with you. If not, they’ll look elsewhere (essentially, “firing” you).

So, when thinking about creating VALUE, set aside your ego and the “I,” “me,” and “myself” mentality. Focus on your clients—their needs, desires, and problems.

Instead of thinking, “I’m going to work,” practice telling yourself, “I’m going to CREATE VALUE for my clients.” Let that become your new business mantra, consistently shaping your approach to business and product or service creation.

As long as you’re in private business but hold the mindset of someone working for a salary or part of a “collective,” you’re holding yourself back and wasting valuable time that could be used more meaningfully and productively.

If you’ve ventured into private business, it’s crucial to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset as soon as possible. As the saying goes, “You can’t be a craftsman without tools.” As a small business owner, your attitude is one of your most important “tools.”

Your clients are your bosses. They are completely focused on the VALUE they receive. You are secondary to them. Make them happy, and you’ll be happier as a result!

(Idea from TT Coaching program)