If you’re feeling stuck, energetically drained, or weighed down by patterns that no longer serve you, the Violet Flame is here to help.
But what exactly is the Violet Flame, and how does it work?
The Violet Flame is a high-frequency energy that works like an energetic detox. Often called the flame of transmutation, the Violet Flame is an aspect of the Divine in charge of clearing negativity, transmuting lower frequencies, toxic attachments, and energy cords, while restoring harmony to your energy field.
It’s like a divine spiritual fire that transmutes lower energies into higher vibrations and is known for its ability to bring about deep emotional and spiritual healing.
For years, I’ve been teaching the Violet Flame practice to empaths, and it has become one of their most loved tools. Many of my students describe the Violet Flame as a living, breathing energy – a powerful companion in their spiritual growth. They feel its presence cleansing their energy, and providing a profound sense of renewal.
One of the simplest ways to work with this frequency is by using a phrase I coined for my clients, which I like to call The Violet Flame Activation Mantra. This “mantra” activates and brings the energy of the Violet Flame into your energy field, allowing you to transmute negativity, clear your path, and reconnect with your inner light.
Let me share the mantra with you, along with a practical way to use it.
“Violet Flame, so pure and bright,
Cleanse my path, restore my Light.”
What Makes This Mantra So Powerful
The beauty of this mantra lies in its simplicity and vibration. Every word is intentional, carrying the energetic frequency of transformation.
“Violet Flame, so pure and bright”
These words are an invocation – a direct call to the energy of the Violet Flame. Think of it as dialing into a frequency of pure transmutation. When you say this, you’re acknowledging the flame’s brilliance and inviting its presence into your energy field.
“Cleanse my path, restore my Light”
This line focuses on clearing and realigning your energy.
- “Cleanse my path” clears anything blocking your growth – karmic debris, limiting beliefs, or energetic cords.
- “Restore my Light” invites you back into your natural state of brilliance, clarity, and flow.
How to Use the Violet Flame Activation Mantra: Practical Example
Now that you know how the Violet Flame works, let’s dive into how you can use it in your daily life.
As a general rule, it’s important not to repeat the mantra mechanically but to genuinely connect with its vibration as you think it. Don’t worry if visualization isn’t your thing – that’s totally fine. Simply hold the intention that the Violet Flame surrounds you and supports your transformation.
Clearing Your Energy with the Violet Flame
Use this practice after a challenging day or an emotionally charged interaction.
Step #1 – Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and invite the Violet Flame into your energy field by repeating the mantra: “Violet Flame, so pure and bright, cleanse my path, restore my Light.” Repeat it several times, allowing its energy to resonate within you.
Step #2 – Set your intention for the Violet Flame to cleanse and reset your energy field. It doesn’t have to be complex or deep – simply say something like: “Violet Flame, cleanse my energy and restore my energy field.”
Step #3 – Focus on feeling the presence of the Violet Flame gently surrounding you, wrapping you in its warm energy, and dissolving anything heavy or misaligned. If it helps, visualize a violet-colored flame moving through your body, transmuting heaviness into lightness and peace.
Take your time with this practice – there’s no right or wrong way to do it. The most important thing is your intention.
Note: Even if you find it difficult to visualize details, trust in the energy of the mantra. Simply feel the gentle embrace of the Violet Flame, allowing it to dissolve negativity and bring clarity.
Remember, when you invite the Violet Flame into your energy field, you’re connecting with an aspect of the Divine that’s in charge of clearing away heavy, low-vibe energies and bringing in higher vibrations. For me, it’s a kind of prayer for transmutation.

Creating Space for Higher Frequencies
The Violet Flame doesn’t just clear your energy – it elevates your entire frequency. When you work with it, you’re not simply releasing what no longer serves you; you’re creating space for higher frequencies to flow in. This mantra helps you realign with your soul’s truth and opens doors to new possibilities.
Remember, energy work is a journey, and each time you work with the Violet Flame, you’re taking a step toward a lighter, more aligned version of yourself.
The Violet Flame Activation Mantra is just one of the many powerful tools you’ll find in the EHSP Coach program, designed specifically for empaths and highly sensitive persons. If you’re ready to explore advanced techniques and discover how to fully harness the Violet Flame’s energy – to transmute toxic energy, cut unhealthy cords, and clear attachments – click HERE to learn more.