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Making Peace With Inner “Demons”

Making Peace With Inner “Demons”

Discover what I consider to be the greatest benefit of practicing Mindfulness and explore the inspiring “Legend of the Hermit and the Robber,” which highlights the importance of awareness, patience, and accepting your own path. *** I have been running...
Choose Empowerment Over Self-Denial

Choose Empowerment Over Self-Denial

When you define a positive virtue or quality, such as humility, in a way that limits your authentic self-expression… *** Humility is considered as a positive virtue in many cultures and philosophical traditions. There’s no doubt about that, right? But what does...
Master Inner Peace: Cultivate This Game-Changing Habit!

Master Inner Peace: Cultivate This Game-Changing Habit!

A few days ago, a young entrepreneur came into my office, visibly down and depressed. We had a coffee and talked a little about his situation at work and his life in general. His business is doing very well. He’s hardworking and diligent, healthy, surrounded by people...
What Kind of World You Want to See?

What Kind of World You Want to See?

“We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see, and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it.” – A Course in Miracles (Transcript / Excerpt from TT Mindfulness™; Become a Certified Mindfulness Coach)Welcome to...