Let’s explore what subtle energy patterns are in your field and how they affect the world around you.

NOTE: This passage is taken from the book: Light Body Alchemy; Harnessing the Power of Your Light Body and the 5D Energy to Transform Your Life and Transmute Low Vibe Energies in Your Field (Empat’s Handbook for Conscious Creation) by Tomislav Tomic


If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ve probably noticed that I talk a lot about subtle energy patterns in our field. So let’s go into more detail and explore them from different angles.

Let’s put it this way for a start.

Imagine that your energy field is like the operating system for smartphones, such as Android.

Now imagine that the subtle energy patterns are like applications installed in the operating system, including their content or the information they contain. The style and design of the applications determine how you can access the content or information stored in them, while the content of the application determines the text, image, or sound you can read/see/hear on your smartphone.

Of course, comparing our energy field to an operating system and the subtle energy patterns to applications is an oversimplification. Nevertheless, it is enough to lay the foundation.

Key “Sections” Within the Energy Field

In addition to the various “applications” that are filled with numerous contents/information (read: subtle energy patterns), there are various “sections” within our energy field that are “responsible for specific “domains.”

Some of the most basic “sections” are:

– soul field,

– Light Body field,

– mental field,

– emotional field, and

– physical field.

“Formats” That Are Comprehensible To Our Conscious Mind

Let’s take our mental energy field as an example…

This aspect of our energy field comprises different “applications” along with their corresponding contents (i.e. subtle energy patterns), which are usually closely linked to our mental activities.

However, on a conscious level, we do not perceive them as such.


Because our conscious mind is not able to process the subtle energy patterns stored in our mental field without first transforming them into a format we call “thoughts”. In other words, just as there is a corresponding code behind every picture you see on your smartphone screen, for every thought or concept we can experience, there is a corresponding pattern or code in our energy field.

Therefore, thoughts exist solely in the domain of our conscious mind. They do not exist outside the domain of our conscious mind. For example, if the background of your smartphone screen is white, that white color only exists on the screen you see it on. It does not exist in the application (or the operating system) itself – there is no pool of white color that is emptied by the display. In this particular case, for example, it exists as the code “#ffffff.”


The same applies to all our emotions (pleasant and less pleasant) and desires, except that the “applications” that trigger them and the associated content (read: subtle energy patterns) are located in our emotional energy field.

Every emotion we can experience has a corresponding code or pattern in our emotional energy field. Without the corresponding code/pattern, we cannot experience it.

In other words, the emotions we feel in a particular moment are only projections of certain patterns from our emotional field onto the “screen” of our conscious mind. They are the result of the interaction of our energy field and the subtle energy patterns it contains with the outside world.

If this were not the case, we would all react in the same way to individual events in the environment, wouldn’t we?


When we talk about our bodily sensations, the principle remains the same. Take, for example, a process that takes place inside you and normally causes pain. If your conscious mind doesn’t receive the information about the pain in a format that it understands, you’ll not feel the pain. Otherwise, painkillers and various anesthetics would simply not work. Without this effect, the placebo effect wouldn’t exist either, and we all know that we experience it in different ways almost every day. 


In short, neither our thoughts nor our emotions nor our bodily sensations, however real they may seem to us, exist as facts independent of our conscious mind. They’re merely formats tailored to fit the “canvas” of our conscious mind so that we can experience the world as we experience it and play the game of life as we play it. In other words, they only exist as formats that are understandable to our conscious mind, and these formats merely reflect the more subtle energy patterns that underlie them.

Neither our thoughts nor our emotions nor our bodily sensations, however real they may seem to us, exist as facts independent of our conscious mind. They’re merely formats tailored to fit the “canvas” of our conscious mind so that we can experience the world as we experience it and play the game of life as we play it.

While we are on the subject, I would like to emphasize that the Nestioo method is designed to work directly with subtle energies or subtle energy patterns in your field for this very reason.

It is primarily intended for empaths and highly sensitive people who are seeking accelerated personal and spiritual growth in order to anchor themselves in the desired vibration as quickly as possible and express themselves from a deeper level of self.

Because they have a keen ability to sense subtle energies in their own energy field (and that of others), it is much more natural for them to work directly with these energies than to try to influence their thoughts and emotional state.

The Essence of Every Conscious Change

Look at it from this perspective…

Every conscious change begins with a change in vibration. It all boils down to aligning with the vibration of what you desire and staying in that vibration long enough for it to become our current reality, right?

To make things even more interesting, this idea has almost become mainstream. Quotes about how our thoughts shape our world, how positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes, how we become what we think and attract what we focus on, and similar phrases are literally everywhere.

Amplifying the Experience of the Reality You Want to Change

In practice, however, it’s not so easy for empaths and highly sensitive people to alter their vibration simply by changing their thoughts, setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, writing affirmations, visualizing desired outcomes or using similar popular methods that usually rely on the conscious mind as the main “tool” for changing vibration.

Basically, not only is it not easy for them, but using their conscious mind to change their vibration often amplifies the experience of the existing aspect of their reality that they actually want to change. In addition, this approach often triggers an “analysis-paralysis” mode in them, which draws their attention to various obstacles they might encounter on the way to the desired change.

And why?

Because of their high sensitivity and the incredible amount of information their brain is processing, they find it difficult to even temporarily block out the current version of the aspect of their reality that they want to change. They find it hard to close their eyes and ignore concrete facts. They find it challenging to switch off the part of their “highly sensitive brain” that is constantly analyzing facts in the background, checking all possible combinations, and predicting different variants of possible scenarios that could develop.

Giving equal attention and importance to the thoughts that have to do with your current reality

Not only do they have an extra-heightened awareness of their thoughts and emotions that have to do with their current circumstances but also tend to give equal attention and importance to each of them. This is very important to understand and keep in mind. 

As much as they tend to daydream, fantasize, and imagine often when it comes to consciously changing their vibration, they find it difficult to consciously switch out of realistic mode and simply mentally and emotionally “step into” a new vibration, spend enough time in it and pretend that certain existing energy patterns don’t exist within them.

The Unique Features of the Nestioo Method

For the reasons mentioned above, the Nestioo method isn’t about changing the way you think. It’s not about creating mental images and scenarios to make them happen. It’s not about reprogramming your belief system. It’s not about changing or directly influencing the emotions you feel in any given moment if they don’t match the vibration you want to anchor into. It’s not about trying to step into and stay in the vibration you want.

In other words, it’s not about using affirmations, visualizations, autosuggestion, analytical-therapeutic methods, or other similar tools and methods that are essentially based on using the conscious mind as a key tool for inner change.

Of course, this doesn’t mean it’s forbidden to use such tools. I’m just describing the essence of the method.

This is because, in the Nestioo method, we focus primarily on the subtle energies in our field, which we refer to as subtle energy patterns

When we use the Nestioo method to bring about concrete changes in our energy field, we set specific intentions, activate the so-called “Nestioo “forms” in our energy field and literally delegate the task directly to our Light body and the 5D energy. In this way, we fully harness the wisdom and power of our Light body and the 5D energy.


We either “process” the subtle energy patterns that cause us emotional discomfort, or we “install” and activate new energy patterns with the help of our Light Body that correspond to our desired experiences.

As we process or install (and activate) new energy patterns in our field, our vibration gradually changes in an organic and all-natural way because the new energy patterns in our field begin to “project” different thoughts and emotions onto the screen of our conscious mind. As I mentioned earlier, our thoughts and emotions are just a projection of subtle energy patterns in the background anyway.

Your thoughts and emotions are just a projection of subtle energy patterns in your field onto the “screen” of your conscious mind.

In this context, there is a beautiful thought in the book A Course in Miracles, which I highlight below:

“We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see, and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it.”

Scenarios That “Visualize” You

Here’s an example.

Imagine you want to manifest your soulmate.

You can regularly visualize a loving relationship with your soulmate, set a goal, write down all the qualities of that person, and imagine you cooking, shopping, picking mushrooms, and drinking espresso together. You can affirm daily that this is already your reality and work diligently towards this goal to achieve it in various other ways. And that’s a good strategy, there’s no doubt about it.

But if you actually meet such a person, your interaction and energy exchange will create new energy patterns in your field. In other words, the energy exchange with your soulmate would cause a change in your field. And this change would likely affect your thinking and emotions that are active within you – without you trying to do anything specific about it.

Because of the newly created energy patterns in your field, it’s likely that you just couldn’t stop thinking about this person. You wouldn’t have to “work on it” for at least X minutes every night before bed. You wouldn’t have to make an effort to “visualize” this person in different places for X minutes every day.

In other words, the change in your field or the new subtle energy patterns in your field cause the “projection” of various thoughts and emotions onto the “screen” of your conscious mind.

And it all happens automatically, doesn’t it?

Basically, not only do you not have to make an effort to “visualize” scenarios in which you spend time with your soulmate, but you actually sense that these scenarios that unfold naturally “visualize” you – and you simply become part of the scene that is already unfolding somewhere in your energy field. It’s as if these scenarios are somehow “using” you to unfold within you. 

Basically, not only do you not have to make an effort to “visualize” scenarios in which you spend time with your soulmate, but you actually sense that these scenarios that unfold naturally “visualize” you – and you simply become part of the scene that is already unfolding somewhere in your energy field. It’s as if these scenarios are somehow “using” you to unfold within you.

This is, of course, an extremely simplified version of the whole story. However, my aim was to illustrate, using a situation that you have probably already experienced, what the reality of the experience looks like when a change takes place directly at the level of subtle energy patterns – because, with the Nestioo method, we are primarily dealing with subtle energies in our energy field.


It is important to understand that once you start practicing the Nestioo processes, you have direct access to the power and wisdom of our Light body and 5D energy. This allows you to activate and install the subtle energy patterns you want in your field and remove the ones that no longer serve you. The best part is that you can do all this without using your conscious mind as the key tool for manifesting the change you want.

Once the new patterns are installed and activated in your energy field, and the mismatched patterns have been dissolved, your thoughts and emotions will automatically start aligning with the changes that have taken place in your field.

Therefore, one of the basic principles of the Nestioo method is: 

“If X was not in my field, it would not be in my perception.”

For empaths and highly sensitive people, this approach feels much more natural and closer, especially because the most important aspect of the creative play takes place in the playground, where they not only love to play the most but also shine the brightest and show off their high sensitivity the best. And this “playground” I’m talking about is the world of subtle energies.

I hope that makes sense to you.

This passage is taken from the book: Light Body Alchemy; Harnessing the Power of Your Light Body and the 5D Energy to Transform Your Life and Transmute Low Vibe Energies in Your Field (Empat’s Handbook for Conscious Creation) by Tomislav Tomic