Almost every empath feels a strong and deep connection to a specific frequency, more precisely, to a spectrum of high vibrations. When they feel this frequency within them, it feels like they have returned to their true home — everything seems fulfilling, meaningful, and in its right place.

This frequency represents your purpose, the essence of your mission on Earth, and the main reason you are here; everything else flows from it.

It can evoke emotions that bring you great joy. But it can also evoke your deepest fears because anything that doesn’t align with it needs to be brought into the light.

Your main task is to activate this frequency as often as possible and gradually anchor it in your energy field. Once you have anchored it to a certain degree, you become a kind of hotspot station that makes this vibration accessible to others. The more people anchor the same frequency, the more a powerful network is created that can inspire collective change in line with this frequency.

People who consciously anchor similar frequencies in their field feel a deep sense of belonging as if they belong to the same soul tribe. They are connected by invisible threads and form a collective that seems to exchange information telepathically.

The connection and sense of belonging to a soul tribe represent the only true fulfillment for an empath in the 3D world, aside from eventual connection with immediate family.

However, the connection to this soul tribe usually does not occur until a person has anchored a higher frequency in their field to some degree.

Until then, they may only sense an abstract feeling that some people are waiting for them somewhere, as if they are connected from a distance.

Idea from EHSP Coach program

EHSP Coach: For Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons: Discover approaches and methods to transform your high sensitivity into a superpower!

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